Serving the Foster & Adoptive Familes of Manatee, Sarasota & DeSoto Counties
2024 Online Auction

Due to the Hurricanes this fall, our 7th Annual Online Auction has been put on hold. While this was a difficult decsion, as the needs of foster and adoptive families have not decreased due to the storms, we want to allow time for our community, including the generous businesses who have donated to our Auction, time to heal and for the businesses all to reopen. The Auction will now be held in January of 2025.
Our Online Auction is held to support the Manatee ounty Foster and Adoptive Parent Association which will kick-off on Monday, January 6 at noon and conclude at noon on Saturday, January 11 at 12pm. The funds raised will help us to administer our programs to Support, Educate and Advocate for local foster and adoptive families!
We are actively soliciting Sponsorships and In-Kind Donations of Items to be included in this year's Auction and would surely appreciate your support!
Download our Solicitation Letter here!
*​Gift Baskets
*Rounds of Golf
*Artwork and Handmade Items
*Gift Certificates for Restaurants, Retail, Service
*Tickets to Sporting Events, Family Attractions, Museums
Thank you to those donors who have already contributed to this year's Online Auction!